September 22, 2015

Analysis, part 7g - Division Stripes, Colors

One final note regarding the ENT jumpsuit division stripes: the actual colors appeared to (subjectively) vary quite a bit on screen, especially the engineering/tactical/security berry. 

Sometimes it looked red, just as one would perhaps expect it to; for instance, compare Reed's division stripe to the red buttons behind him: 

ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara"

Now perform the same comparison again: 

ENT, 4x6 "The Augments"
ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara"

Note how much more of a "berry" Reed's division stripe looks - even entering the fuchsia neighborhood! 

Also note that the first and last examples were both from the same episode!

Here are some red/berry comparison screencaps of Trip's division stripes:

ENT, 2x15 "Cease Fire"
ENT, 3x3 "Extinction"
ENT, 4x8 "The Awakening"
ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara"

One may also draw an interesting comparison between Trip's berry division stripe and T'Pol's civilian outfit: 

ENT, 4x3 "Home"
ENT, 4x4 "Borderland"

Note how close Trip's division stripe appears to be to the color of T'Pol's outfit!

The medical/sciences green also appeared to shift a bit back in the teal direction toward the end of the show:

ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara"
ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara"
ENT, 4x16 "Divergence"

This may have simply been a shift in the lighting or post-production color correction in the show, though.

Anyway, if there were any actual color shifts in the division colors over the course of the show - or any color inconsistencies at all, for that matter - it would hardly be surprising, considering how many bolts/rolls of fabric must've been bought, ordered, and/or custom-dyed over the years!

ENT season 1 Blu-Ray special feature, "On the Set," featuring Robert Blackman (costume designer)

PREVIOUS: Analysis, part 7f - Shoulder Reinforcement

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