The last of our miscellaneous observations is regarding Trip's assignment patch throughout the mid/late fourth season.
As you may recall, Trip temporarily transferred from the Enterprise to the Columbia.
When he arrived on the Columbia, his uniform naturally still had his Enterprise assignment patch on the sleeve.
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction" |
Captain Hernandez suggested he visit the quartermaster to get his Enterprise patch swapped out for the appropriate Columbia one, and he did.
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ENT, 4x15 "Affliction" |
So far, so good!
But then, Enterprise has an emergency, and Trip has to hop back over from Columbia to resolve a crisis.
To head over, he put on his space suit, which still had the Enterprise logo on it ...
ENT, 4x16 "Divergence" |
So ... apparently he had his very own space suit, which he took over with him to Columbia and hadn't had a chance to update with his new assignment yet?
That much might make sense, sure, but does that mean that every member of a starship's crew has their very own space suit, complete with a name tag and assignment patch?
If so, do they keep them in their closets? Is there a locker room? Are they kept in storage, say, in the cargo bays?
And if they have their own space suits which are important enough to bring with them on assignment transfers, why would they not bother bringing them on important isolated missions, such as in "Shuttlepod One"?
Alternatively, if the name tags and assignment logos are easily interchangeable, why bother bringing your suit over to your new assignment?
Anyway, things got even weirder from there.
As he embarked on his space tightrope act, his patches were reversed and his name tag was vertically flipped!
ENT, 4x16 "Divergence" |
Note that his assignment patch was on his right, and his name badge was on his left - the opposite as before!
Furthermore, this wasn't simply a case of the shot being reversed in post-production, as sometimes happens; the assignment logo was otherwise positioned correctly, and the name badge was upside down!
As if that weren't bizarre enough, after cutting away then cutting back to him, his name badge and assignment patch are positioned correctly again.
ENT, 4x16 "Divergence" |
When he arrived on Enterprise, he was already wearing his Enterprise assignment patch again ... implying that he was thoughtful enough to change uniforms before heading over to keep the Enterprise from exploding, maybe?
ENT, 4x16 "Divergence" |
(Hey, sometimes people do silly things when they panic in an urgent situation, right? We've all heard about stuff like husbands freaking out and starting to clean the office when their pregnant wives go into labor, so maybe this was the same kind of thing.)
The whole next episode, though, Trip was wearing his Columbia assignment patch while he was on board Enterprise, so even that implausible theory goes out the window.
ENT, 4x17 "Divergence" |
PREVIOUS: Misc. Observations and Errors, part 11
NEXT: Final Notes
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