The front zipper was usually positioned horizontally so its centermost edge was either about ½" or ¾" from the centermost edge of the pocket.
We observed plenty of examples of both - "hero" and supporting/extras/background alike.
ENT, 2x5 "A Night in Sickbay" |
On Trip's ENT jumpsuits, for instance, the left thigh front zipper pocket was about ½" away from the edge.
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo |
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo |
(publicity photo) |
Reed's left thigh pocket front zipper also appeared to be about ½" from the centermost edge.
(publicity photo) |
Captain Hernandez's and Crewman Cutler's also appeared to be about ½" (or perhaps a tiny bit more) from the edge.
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction" |
ENT, 1x4 "Strange New World" |
Many of the auctioned ENT jumpsuits also had left thigh pocket front zippers about ½" from the pocket edge:
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
The left thigh pocket's front zipper on the screen-used ENT jumpsuit "Lynsioux" photographed and shared also appeared to be about ½" from the front edge of the pocket:
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used ENT jumpsuit |
While the ½"-from-front-edge positioning was popular, the front zipper was also often positioned about ¾" away from the front edge of the pocket.
The most notable example of this positioning was on Archer's ENT jumpsuit.
(publicity photo) |
ENT, 3x21 "E²" |
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction" |
ENT, 1x22 "Vox Sola" |
Travis' front zipper was also positioned about ¾" away from the front edge of the pocket:
STPCAA photo of Travis Mayweather screen-used ENT jumpsuit |
Hoshi's zipper was positioned about ¾" away, too:
(publicity photo) |
(publicity photo) |
And again, we found that the ¾"-from-front-edge positioning was common amongst auctioned ENT jumpsuits.
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
Both camps were supported by plenty of extras/background uniforms.
We at Bad Wolf prefer the ½"-from-front-edge positioning, but the choice is really yours.
That said, we do offer the following suggestion: position both the left chest pocket zipper and the left thigh pocket zipper so that they are the same distance away from the front edges of their respective pockets.
In other words, if you follow our suggestion and position your left chest pocket zipper ½" from the front edge of the left chest pocket, we also suggest positioning your left thigh pocket's front zipper ½" from the front edge of the left thigh pocket.
We recommend doing the same if you instead choose to position your zipper(s) ¾" away from the front edges.
This design consistency produced a nice, harmonious effect in the overall uniform:
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo |
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
(publicity photo) |
(publicity photo) |
ENT jumpsuit (female)
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (female)
auction photo |
Maybe this is just me (Alex) trying to impose order on an otherwise arguably chaotic uniform because of my OCD rearing its head again, but the vertical zippers' horizontal placement consistency looks nice!
That said, many of the ENT jumpsuits' left chest pocket and left thigh pocket zippers were not horizontally positioned in the same manner (much to our Obsessive Compulsive Chagrin) ...
(publicity photo) |
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction" |
ENT, 1x22 "Vox Sola" |
STPCAA photo of Travis Mayweather screen-used ENT jumpsuit |
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
ENT jumpsuit
auction photo |
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