September 26, 2015

Analysis, part 20a - Right Sleeve Pocket, Size and Positioning

On the ENT jumpsuit's upper right sleeve was a small pocket, which we have dubbed the "right sleeve pocket." 

(See what we did there?) 

(publicity photo)

As you can surely imagine by now, the right sleeve pocket's size and placement varied. 

I know, I know, you're probably like ...

So we'll just show you a smaller sleeve pocket next to a larger sleeve pocket to make our point.

ENT jumpsuit (female) auction photo on left, Trip (stunt) ENT jumpsuit auction photo on right

The right sleeve pocket appeared to be horizontally centered over the outer sleeve seam, although its vertical placement varied. 

It seems to have been intended that the bottom of the sleeve pocket would be at or around the wearer's elbow, with the top of the pocket approximately 4" from the bottom of the division stripe. 

The sleeve pocket's placement range is most easily observable when using the patch from "These Are The Voyages" as a reference; note that on the following ENT jumpsuits, the distance from the bottom of the division stripe to the top of the sleeve pocket was noticeably greater than the height of the patch (especially on the third example):

"Lynsioux" photo of
screen-used ENT jumpsuit
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo

Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Now observe that the distance between the patch and the top of the sleeve pocket was only slightly more than the height of the patch on Trip's and Hoshi's ENT jumpsuits:

Trip (stunt) ENT jumpsuit auction photos

And on these ENT jumpsuits, the distance between the division stripe and the top of the sleeve pocket was less than the total height of the patch (making allowances for the "misplaced" patches, of course):

ENT jumpsuit (female) auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (female) auction photos

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