the right chest pocket, the left chest pocket was fastened to the jumpsuit via edge stitching around its perimeter.
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used
ENT jumpsuit |
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used
ENT jumpsuit |
Again like
the right chest pocket, the left chest pocket was an expanding pocket, so to allow the pocket to expand it was folded over on itself toward the middle and partially edge stitched again vertically through all layers along the top and bottom of the centermost edge.
ENT, 3x19 "Damage" |
ENT, 1x6 "Terra Nova" |
ENT, 2x1 "Shockwave (part 2)" |
ENT, 2x3 "Minefield (deleted scene) |
As with
the right chest pocket, the actual height of the "expanding pocket edge stitching" varied - even on the same characters!
For instance, the "expanding pocket edge stitching" on Archer's early ENT jumpsuit appeared to extend downward about 1" or so:
ENT, 1x6 "Terra Nova" |
ENT, 1x7 "The Andorian Incident" |
However, Archer's later ENT jumpsuit's "expanding pocket edge stitching" extended downward more like 2":
ENT, 3x19 "Damage" |
(publicity photo) |
The upper row of "expanding pocket edge stitching" otherwise seemed to usually extend downward about 1":
ENT, 2x3 "Minefield" |
ENT, 2x22 "Cogenitor" |
ENT, 4x9 "Kir-Shara" |
ENT, 4x11 "Observer Effect" |
ENT, 4x17 "Bound" |
(desktop theme) |
(publicity photo) |
ENT, 1x25 "Two Days Two Nights" |
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
The lower portion of the "expanding pocket edge stitching," however, varied in height; it was seldom the same distance as the upper stitch.
Archer's lower "expanding pocket edge stitch" appeared to be about 2", which was approximately consistent with (or perhaps a little bit longer than) his upper stitch:
(publicity photo) |
Reed's lower "expanding pocket edge stitch" appeared to be about 1" (or perhaps a tad longer), which, again, was approximately consistent with (or perhaps a little bit longer than) his upper stitch:
ENT, 2x1 "Shockwave (part 2)" |
These are probably two different uniforms, but note that Travis' upper "expanding pocket edge stitch" was about 1" (the usual), but his lower stitch was at least 2" (a la Archer):
ENT, 1x6 "Terra Nova" |
STPCAA photo of Travis Mayweather screen-used ENT jumpsuit |
Hoshi's, on the other hand ...
ENT, 2x3 "Minefield" (deleted scene) |
(publicity photo) |
So again, was there a standard height for the "expanding pocket edge stitch"?
Based on the available evidence, the most we can deduce is:
1 - The height of the edge stitching was presumably (or, at least, ideally, in our opinion) the same as that on the right chest pocket (usually 1", sometimes up to 2").
2 - For males, the height of the edge stitching was presumably (or, at least, ideally, in our opinion) the same at the top and bottom of the pocket (again, usually 1", sometimes up to 2").
3 - For females, the lower edge stitching should presumably (or, again, at least ideally, in our opinion) extend upward to the lower bust, regardless of the height of the upper stitch.
Again - we can't emphasize this enough - these are only loose recommendations!
the right chest pocket, in addition to the edge stitching and "expanding pocket edge stitching," the left chest pocket was embellished/reinforced with additional rows of horizontal topstitching ¼" from its upper and lower edges.
(publicity photo) |
(publicity photo) |
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo |
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used
ENT jumpsuit |
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used
ENT jumpsuit |
As was the case with the right chest pocket, at the centermost upper and lower corners of the left chest pocket, the aforementioned upper and lower edge stitching, ¼" topstitching, and "expanding pocket edge stitching" all caught the front facing as well, further securing it.
"Lynsioux" photo of screen-used ENT jumpsuit |
Analysis, part 11a - Left Chest Pocket, Positioning
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