September 22, 2015

Analysis, part 7a - Division Stripes, Fabric

The Starfleet division of the wearer was indicated by ⅜" division stripes on the shoulders. 

Gold was for command and helm/navigation. 

Berry ("red') was for engineering, security, and tactical. 

Green was for the sciences and medical. 

The division stripes were sewn onto the jumpsuit body, and an additional layer of shoulder reinforcement was then sewn over both the raw edges of the division stripes and the jumpsuit body. 

Interestingly, the division stripes were sometimes cut from cotton lycra - presumably leftovers from the DS9/NEM division shirts

Other times, however, the division stripes were cut from what appeared to be very fine cotton twill - presumably the same fabric used on the DS9/NEM formal uniform sleeve cuffs

There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to which fabric was used; it's not as if "hero jumpsuits" used one and extras/background performers' uniforms used the other. We've examined an appreciable number of "hero jumpsuits" and found both used - often on the same characters! 

For instance, these screen-used Trip ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were all cotton lycra:

Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo (from 3x8 "Twilight")

However, these screen-used Trip ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were cotton twill:

Trip ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Trip (stunt) ENT jumpsuit auction photo

Reed ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Similarly, these screen-used Reed ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were cotton lycra:

Reed ENT jumpsuit auction photo

Reed ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Yet these screen-used Reed ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were cotton twill:

Reed ENT jumpsuit auction photo
(from 3x8 "Twilight")
Reed ENT jumpsuit auction photo

This screen-used Travis ENT jumpsuit's division stripes were cotton lycra:

Travis ENT jumpsuit auction photo

Travis ENT jumpsuit auction photo
(from season 3)
But these screen-used Travis ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were obviously cotton twill: 

Travis ENT jumpsuit auction photo

Hoshi's ENT jumpsuits' division stripes appeared to usually be cotton lycra (at least in auction photos):

Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo
Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo

Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo
However, at least two of Hoshi's ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were cotton twill:

Hoshi ENT jumpsuit auction photo

The only detail photos we saw of Archer's ENT jumpsuits had cotton twill division stripes:

Archer ENT jumpsuit auction photo (from season 3)
Archer ENT jumpsuit auction photo (from 3x24 "Zero Hour")

These two extras/background ENT jumpsuits' division stripes were cotton twill:

ENT jumpsuit (female) auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo

So there you have it - a sampling of "hero" and extras/background ENT jumpsuits' division stripes. 

As you can see, plenty were cotton lycra, and plenty were cotton twill. 

If there was a standard or trend, it eludes us; the usual determining factors such as "hero"/background, gender, rank, etc. don't seem to have applied. 

There's not enough data available to determine if the wearer's physique was in any way related. 

There's also not enough data available to determine if one was typically used, say, earlier in the show, then phased out in favor of the other at some point during the show's run. 

Was there, indeed, a standard or trend of some kind regarding the use of cotton lycra or cotton twill? 

If so, what was it? 

Furthermore, why all the variation amongst the cast members?!?

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