September 22, 2015

Analysis, part 7b - Division Stripes, Interfacing

In any event, it appears that the division stripe was interfaced with a fusible interfacing before attached to the jumpsuit body; note the white interfacing visible underneath the division stripe on these distressed ENT jumpsuits:

Travis ENT jumpsuit auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo

We're not sure if both the cotton lycra and the cotton twill division stripes were typically interfaced, though, or just one or the other (the above right example is cotton twill).

Sometimes the division stripe looked surprisingly wrinkled, puckered, or generally "warbled" on screen:

ENT, 1x1 "Broken Bow"
ENT, 1x3 "Fight or Flight"
ENT, 1x10 "Fortunate Son"
ENT, 1x10 "Fortunate Son"
ENT, 2x8 "The Communicator"
ENT, 2x26 "The Expanse"
ENT, 3x1 "The Xindi"

This unfortunate effect continued to be occasionally seen through the final season of the show:

ENT, 4x7 'The Forge"
ENT, 4x12 "Babel One"

This was presumably a result of the interfacing underneath the division stripes and/or the division stripes not being cut on the bias, either of which leads us to wonder why that would have been the case; it seems this issue would have been easy to avoid! 

Uninterfaced cotton lycra would probably have not contorted in such a manner, nor would a bias-cut woven fabric such as cotton twill, so ... who knows? 

Our only other hypothesis is that the contorted division stripes were perhaps a result of production demands and repeated dry cleanings taking their toll on the uniforms, but that doesn't explain why Archer's were already "warbly" in the pilot! 

Sometimes, however, the division stripes were appropriately quite smooth, even early in the show:

ENT, 1x5 "Unexpected"
ENT, 1x8 "Breaking the Ice"
ENT, 4x2 "Storm Front (part 2)"
ENT, 4x13 "United"

Of course, seeing how good these look, one wonders why they didn't look that good all the time ...

Again, we haven't enough information available to determine if one of the division stripe fabrics typically contorted and the other didn't, or perhaps if the interfacing caused the issue and was therefore sometimes omitted. 

Basically, all we really know is that sometimes the division stripes looked nice and smooth, and other times they didn't.

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