September 25, 2015

Analysis, part 9c - Right Chest Pocket, Zipper Placement

The right chest pocket zipper was horizontal and parallel to the upper edge of the pocket.

ENT, 4x11 "Observer Effect"
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction"

NOTE: The following abundance of examples are provided solely to contextualize another observation we made - that not all right chest pocket zippers were parallel to the upper edge of the pocket/division stripe! This observation and corresponding examples will be presented later in our "Miscellaneous Observations and Errors." For now, just note that the vast majority of right chest pocket zippers were parallel to the upper edge of the pocket/division stripe.

ENT, 1x6 "Terra Nova"
ENT, 1x10 "Fortunate Son"
ENT, 2x7 "The Seventh"
ENT, 2x9 'Singularity"
ENT, 2x9 "Singularity"
ENT, 2x15 "Cease Fire"
ENT, 2x16 "Future Tense"
ENT, 2x19 "Judgment"
ENT, 2x20 "Horizon"
ENT, 3x3 "Extinction"
ENT, 3x20 "The Forgotten"
ENT, 4x3 "Home"
ENT, 4x4 "Borderland"
ENT, 4x4 "Borderland"
ENT, 4x6 "The Augments"
ENT, 4x6 "The Augments"
ENT, 4x7 "The Forge"
ENT, 4x10 "Daedalus"
ENT, 4x10 "Daedalus"
ENT, 4x13 "United"
ENT, 4x14 "The Aenar"

Hoshi ENT jumpsuit
auction photo
Trpp ENT jumpsuit
auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male) auction photo
ENT jumpsuit (male)
auction photo
Commander Williams
ENT jumpsuit auction photo

(publicity photo)
(publicity photo)

The placement of the zipper varied, but it appeared to usually be positioned so its upper edge was 1" from the pocket's upper edge and its centermost edge was ¼" from the pocket's centermost edge.

ENT, 4x14 "The Aenar"
ENT, 4x15 "Affliction"
ENT, 1x4
"Strange New World"
ENT, 1x10
"Fortunate Son"
ENT, 2x7
"The Seventh"
ENT, 2x19
ENT, 2x20
ENT, 3x20
"The Forgotten"
ENT, 4x2
"Storm Front (part 2)"
ENT, 4x3
ENT, 4x4
ENT, 4x10
ENT, 4x13
ENT, 4x13

An possible exception to this general standard was Lieutenant Reed, whose fourth season ENT jumpsuit's right chest pocket zipper appeared to be slightly lower - perhaps 1 ¼":

(publicity photo)
(desktop theme)

An obvious exception, however, was Captain Hernandez's ENT jumpsuit; her right chest pocket zipper appeared to be positioned approximately ½" from the pocket's upper edge and 1" away from the pocket's centermost edge.

(publicity photo)

ENT, 1x4 "Strange New World"
Captain Hernandez's ENT jumpsuit right chest pocket zipper was not indicative of a gender-specific standard; note that both Hoshi's and Crewman Cutler's zippers were positioned more or less "normally":

(publicity photo)

We're therefore inclined to dismiss Captain Hernandez' uniform as an anomaly (erroneous or otherwise). 

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